Ayatollah Naeini and the Establishment of a Revolutionary Democratic System
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
hamid jafari
Seyedmohsen Alavipour
1 - Ph.D. Student of political Science, Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Applied Policy Studies, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran.
Keywords: Naeini, Arendt, positive freedom, participation, and foundation.,
Abstract :
Ayatollah Naeini and the Establishment
of a Revolutionary Democratic System
Hamid Jafari*
Seyyed Mohsen Alavipour**
Naeini was able to present a proposal for a democratic system entitled "Constitutional Government" through theoretical elaboration on concepts such as the constitution, the national assembly, councils, the necessity of consulting with the people's representatives, giving meaning and political weight to the principles of enjoining good and forbidding evil, emphasizing participatory democracy, the role of councils in overseeing laws, and ultimately introducing a new theory in Shia political jurisprudence. The theory prioritizes a form of "compromise" and, through this, provides the necessary intellectual groundwork for separating political affairs from religious matters. An examination of this theory within the framework of pioneering theoretical perspectives on political developments worldwide demonstrates the extent to which he was familiar with the foundations of a democratic system in the contemporary world. By incorporating religious and cultural teachings, he was able to design such a system based on the modern needs of Iranian society. This research aims to elaborate on the novel articulation of the principles outlined by contemporary political philosopher Hannah Arendt for a republic and a successful revolution, within Naeini's governance theory. Within this framework, it becomes evident that the founding principle emphasizes positive freedom and the participation of citizens who are equal under the law. The two fundamental principles of "liberty" and "equality" are well articulated within Naeini's legitimate government theory. Therefore, this theory can be considered as pioneering in modernizing the political structure of the country based on fundamental democratic principles. The research methodology employed is descriptive-analytical and relies on library research.
Keywords: Naeini, Arendt, positive freedom, participation, and foundation.
* Ph.D. Student of political Science, Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Institute, Iran
** Corresponding Author: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Policy Studies, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran
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