The challenges of the discourse of the Islamic revolution in the face of the generation of the eighties; A case study, the fields of economic entrepreneurship, intellectualism and political governance
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
Meisam Ghahreman
hadi keshavarz
1 - Research Assistant Professor of Islamic Revolution Historical Studies Department (Islamic Revolution Documentation Center), Iran.
2 - Ph.D in Political Sociology, University of Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: eneration of the 1980s, Epistemological Approach (Transcendental Method), Non-Epistemological Approach (Inherently Methodological), Specific Intellectual, Islamic Republic of Iran.,
Abstract :
The Challenges of the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Relation to the Generation of the 1980s: A Case Study of Economic Entrepreneurship, Intellectualism, and Political Governance
Meisam Ghahraman*
Hadi Keshavarz**
Religious governments such as the Islamic Republic of Iran require, on one hand, profound meanings derived from specific Islamic epistemological arguments for their effective reproduction, while on the other hand, they need legal subjects who are persuaded by these epistemic meanings. However, in today's acute reality, with the emergence of generations possessing fluid and virtual identities, deep epistemological meanings across various domains face serious challenges, gradually diminishing their role in human life. Accordingly, this article aims to investigate the changes occurring in three areas—economic entrepreneurship, intellectualism, and political governance—by focusing on the characteristics of the generation of the 1980s, which rarely occupy legal and epistemic positions due to their fluidity and virtuality. Following this analysis, we will address the transformations that the discourse of the Islamic Revolution must undergo in these emerging conditions. Overall, the findings indicate that the fading of deep epistemological meanings among the generation of the 1980s not only marginalizes the general epistemological discussions of intellectuals but also creates space for the emergence of specific intellectuals. In the economic domain, this shift results in the formation of a startup economy and the emergence of a new and high-risk type of entrepreneurship known as chain entrepreneurship. Consequently, in the realm of political governance, the need for low-cost and efficient governance over the subjects of the 1980s necessitates a departure from general and epistemological rules, transforming Islamic governance into Islamic governance management.
Keywords: eneration of the 1980s, Epistemological Approach (Transcendental Method), Non-Epistemological Approach (Inherently Methodological), Specific Intellectual, Islamic Republic of Iran.
** PhD in Political Sociology, University of Tehran, Iran.
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