Studying the linguistic context and paradigm in Zoroastrian’s political thought
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
shoja ahmadvand
Mehdi Bakhshi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, AllamehTabataba’i University, Iran
2 - PhD Student in political thought, AllamehTabataba’i University, Iran.
Keywords: Zoroastrian, historiography, John Pocock, Context, Paradigm,
Abstract :
The period of Sassanid rule in terms of religious history is the most important period of ancient Iran. In this period, the government takes on a completely religious aspect, and a great change takes place that affects the religion and national customs of the Iranians. Zoroastrian thought is very important in this period, so understanding Zoroastrian political thought is not possible without establishing a connection between the historical and political conditions of the formation and continuation of the Sassanid Empire and the linguistic paradigm of Zoroastrian political theology. Thus, first, the context and then the dominant linguistic paradigm in this historical period must be examined. The purpose of this article is to examine Zoroaster and his religion in the context of historical and political developments. The basis of this article is: to provide an analysis of the historical and political conditions of Iran in the Sassanid era, to study the political theology of Zarathustra as the dominant linguistic paradigm of that period, and to understand the political thought of the Prophet Zarathustra through this. The method of the article is John Pocock’s historiography in which history has a central place and by studying the historical and political context, on the one hand, and the dominant linguistic paradigms, on the other hand, a common context is formed between the historian or the reader and writer in which the mentioned text can be understood. Of course, efforts will be made to analyze these elements through the analysis of the content of the important book of Zoroaster, the Avesta. The findings of this article show that the religion of Zoroaster was the founder and shaper of the civilization of ancient Iran and the components of the linguistic paradigm of Zoroastrian political thought, called for the establishment of a strong and glorious prince in Iran. The article concludes that considering the historical-political conditions of Iran at the beginning of the Sassanid dynasty, and based on the linguistic paradigm of Zoroastrian political thought, ArdeshirBabakan used Zoroastrian religion to gain power and unite Iranians and also the country.
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